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Memento Mori
Dame Lettie Colston is the first of her circle to receive insinuating anonymous phone calls. Neither she, nor her friends, wish to be reminded of their mortality, and their geriatric feathers are thoroughly ruffled. As the caller's activities become more widespread, old secrets are dusted off, exposing post and present duplicities, self-deception and blackmail. Nobody is above suspicion.
Witty, poignant and wickedly hilarious, Memento Mori may ostensibly concern death, but it is a book which leaves one relishing life all the more.
Publishing date
RRP (paperback)
4 Feb 2010
240 pages
Set in the "50's a cast of elderly, wealthy characters with a chequered past receive a mysterious phone call "Remember you will die." Who is it and why the cruel reminder of their impending mortality? 7/10
Anachronistic rambling plot which attempts to explore death and mortality through the current and past lives of a group of 1950s mainly elderly characters who all have their back story of intrigue, dark deeds and some joy 3/10
Rather dreary portrayal of a dreary decade. A frustrating book which meandered to a disappointing ending. Thank goodness class is not such an issue these days. 5/10.
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